Introducing Future of Marketing!

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Years back, marketers would run a campaign, and pray. Pray that the media mix chosen would work, Pray that the optimal set of consumers would see the ad, and Pray that a few of them would be compelled to initiate the action envisioned in the ad. Digital heralded new channels, platforms, and solutions but still 2% – 8% conversions on campaigns remained the norm. Cut to 2016 and we wonder how much things have really changed.

Marketing, as we fundamentally know it, is broken. Marketing is perhaps the only field where a 90% failure rate is acceptable. Think about it. Where else have you come across a scenario where spending money and getting a 10% conversion was acceptable? Doesn’t this mean that 90% of the money we spend goes wasted? Skeptics may be quick to point that this is only because they cannot predict which are the 10% that will lead to a conversion, at the start of a campaign. Ever pondered, why this is accepted as the status quo? This was among the questions keeping us up during the nights, and our clients today tell us that we have the solution.

FirstHive was born of this desire to enable the evolution of marketing and make marketing accessible and relevant to our users. Our proprietary algorithms enable brands to create better and more impactful campaigns, which resonate with their consumers resulting in more likes, shares, click-throughs, walk-ins, and ultimately sales.

This is why some of the largest brands in the world, across multiple sectors, are today using FirstHive to forward their marketing and business objectives across millions of shoppers and customers.

So, come! Experience the difference. We welcome you to the future, today!