Marketing Agency’s Search for Tech Partner Ends with Us!

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For a modern multi-tasking marketing agency, the advancement in marketing technology is something that keeps them strong in the competitive world. They need the right technology to execute their multiple client’s various marketing activities. But to get there, they need a right technology partner with whom they can align their goals.

Searching a right technology partner is like going on a blind date. You are very excited but nervous at the same time, since you don’t know what awaits you. What if your partner doesn’t understand what you think? What if he/she don’t agree with your ambitions? Or most importantly, what if he/she is boring?

Choosing a technology partner too, you need to see if they fit in the journey of your agency’s future plans, understand your requirements and, as said before, should be fun to work with.

Thankfully, your search for perfect date ends with FirstHive. FirstHive, today, introduced the Agency program that is so flexible that it will fit with your organization so seamlessly as it was meant to be. Since client’s requirements varies every day, FirstHive will always be ready for whatever may come. With FirstHive, perform email marketing with advanced automation capabilities, manage SMS or Text Message Marketing, and even stay on top of your social media- all from one single platform.

The flagship feature of FirstHive, that our clients absolutely love, is the customer profile dashboard.  The application collects customer data from marketing campaigns conducted across channels and consolidates into one single dashboard. You can click on a particular customer name, and view her activities on all the communication you’ve sent to her. This helps in developing a personalized message, just for her.

We welcome you to test drive FirstHive today. Trigger campaigns and enjoy the thrill of watching it perform in real-time. Share the user control with the client and let them have the view too.