Instagram Marketing Tips for Better Engagement

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Instagram has grown from being a photo-sharing platform to a mainstream social media channel in just over six years of its existence. With people ranging from “Business dealers” to “Selfie crazzys”, Instagram is adding large number of users everyday. This mobile-only app currently holds about 500 million active users worldwide, and half of Instagram’s user-base is between 18 to 29 years of age.

Do you get the idea where I’m going with these facts? Yes, Instagram offers a huge marketing opportunity. And if you think your business is missing out, we are here to help.


Whether it’s your first post or 1000th, whether you are a small business or multinational, you just can’t afford to not use hashtags with Instagram posts. Every single hashtag increases your impressions depending upon the popularity which Instagram displays while writing hashtag. The platform allows up to 30 hashtags per post, so use wisely and try to be relevant to your business.


One of the best way to pull targeted people to view your profile is to engage with them. Like their posts, comment on them, strike a conversation. Keep a list of influencers and follow them. Track their posts. Check out an example dashboard below. It makes it easy to follow people’s posts and interact with them.

Instagram Streams

Location Tags

If you’re a local business and seek customer walk-ins, use your location tags to let people know you’re around. Location tags are also relevant and useful when you post images of company headquarters or corporate events. Locations are searchable and you might find users from your neighborhood looking for your product/service.

Visual Treat

Instagram is simple and intuitive. It offers a hassle-free photo sharing platform. Share your visually rich content here like videos, infographics, ad banner etc that entertain, educate or inspire. Use relevant hashtags in the description to reach out to right set of audience, but sadly you can’t use a link in the description since Instagram love their users and doesn’t want them to leave the platform. If you really want to put a link, do that in your profile bio.

Be active. On all channels.

People on social media tends to forget your messages, but then it’s free and you may use it n number of times. So try and be active, spot high traffic timezones, try and be relevant to the hot topics, or something that is of interest to the group. Keep engaging with influencers. All this not just for Instagram, but for other social channels as well.

Multiple Social Streams

The best way to keep this going is to sign-up for a marketing platform like FirstHive and manage multiple social profiles from one dashboard. With FirstHive, you may even send and track email and SMS marketing for your cross-channel marketing strategy.

Instagram is a valuable tool when used to its capability. With 400 million active users, it is very difficult to leave Instagram out of your marketing strategies. Start exploring the platform with your brand page, gain followers by using relevant hashtags, keep educating your followers with interesting posts. Keep an acumen of story-telling (not selling) and you’ll see a long lasting relationships with your followers.

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